Royal Family brand

This summer in London a class was told to pick a brand to study for the course and Mine choose the Royal Family. My group had the advantage of being two PR students and Two Advertising students.

We worked through the summer and when the Final came time, we were instructed to make an event for our brand centered around a social cause. 

We broke down the work so as not to overload everyone and great the best program we could. 

The PR girls were based on the structure of the event itself while I did the research, strategy, and eventual social media mockups. The other advertising student took care of social media and the creative concepts. 

This led to me researching what was the best supported cause would be to bolster the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and discovered both had a passion for education charities. I also delve down to the social media presences of both the royal family involved and Place2be, a charity the duchess already works with.